Sunday, August 29, 2010

awakened 882.awa.oo Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

The Ass and the Grasshopper

An Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, "The dew." The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger.

The Lion and the Mouse

A Kion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: "If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness." The Lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by st ropes to the ground. The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came gnawed the rope with his teeth, and set him free, exclaim

"You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor; I now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to con benefits on a Lion."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

actually 662.act.008 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Suetonius had the fourteenth legion with the veterans of the twentieth, and auxiliaries from the neighbourhood, to the number of about ten thousand armed men, when he prepared to break off delay and fight a battle. He chose a position approached by a narrow defile, closed in at the rear by a forest, having first ascertained that there was not a soldier of the enemy except in his front, where an open plain extended without any danger from ambuscades. His legions were in close array; round them, the light-armed troops, and the cavalry in dense array on the wings. On the other side, the army of the Britons, with its masses of infantry and cavalry, was confidently exulting, a vaster host than ever had assembled, and so fierce in spirit that they actually brought with them, to witness the victory, their wives riding in waggons, which they had placed on the extreme border of the plain.

Boudicea, with her daughters before her in a chariot, went up to tribe after tribe, protesting that it was indeed usual for Britons to fight under the leadership of women. "But now," she said, "it is not as a woman descended from noble ancestry, but as one of the people that I am avenging lost freedom, my scourged body, the outraged chastity of my daughters. Roman lust has gone so far that not our very persons, nor even age or virginity, are left unpolluted. But heaven is on the side of a righteous vengeance; a legion which dared to fight has perished; the rest are hiding themselves in their camp, or are thinking anxiously of flight. They will not sustain even the din and the shout of so many thousands, much less our charge and our blows. If you weigh well the strength of the armies, and the causes of the war, you will see that in this battle you must conquer or die. This is a woman's resolve; as for men, they may live and be slaves."

Sunday, July 11, 2010

agrapha 39.agr.002 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Among the Christian sources of the life of Jesus we need hardly mention the so called Agrapha and Apocrypha (see AGRAPHA and APOCRYPHA). For whether the Agrapha contain Logia of Jesus, or refer to incidents in His life, they are either highly uncertain or present only variations of the Gospel story. The chief value of the Apocrypha consists in their showing the infinite superiority of the Inspired Writings by contrasting the coarse and erroneous productions of the human mind with the simple and sublime truths written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

decontaminate 442.dec.04 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

In April 1986, Chernobyl' (Chornobyl' in Ukrainian) was an obscure city on the Pripiat' River in north-central Ukraine. Almost incidentally, its name was attached to the V.I. Lenin Nuclear Power Plant located about twenty-five kilometers upstream.

On April 26, the city's anonymity vanished forever when, during a test at 1:21 A.M., the No. 4 reactor exploded and released thirty to forty times the radioactivity of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The world first learned of history's worst nuclear accident from Sweden, where abnormal radiation levels were registered at one of its nuclear facilities.

Ranking as one of the greatest industrial accidents of all time, the Chernobyl' disaster and its impact on the course of Soviet events can scarcely be exaggerated. No one can predict what will finally be the exact number of human victims. Thirty- one lives were lost immediately. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, Russians, and Belorussians had to abandon entire cities and settlements within the thirty-kilometer zone of extreme contamination. Estimates vary, but it is likely that some 3 million people, more than 2 million in Belarus' alone, are still living in contaminated areas. The city of Chernobyl' is still inhabited by almost 10,000 people. Billions of rubles have been spent, and billions more will be needed to relocate communities and decontaminate the rich farmland.

Chernobyl' has become a metaphor not only for the horror of uncontrolled nuclear power but also for the collapsing Soviet system and its reflexive secrecy and deception, disregard for the safety and welfare of workers and their families, and inability to deliver basic services such as health care and transportation, especially in crisis situations. The Chernobyl' catastrophe derailed what had been an ambitious nuclear power program and formed a fledgling environmental movement into a potent political force in Russia as well as a rallying point for achieving Ukrainian and Belorussian independence in 1991. Although still in operation, the Chernobyl' plant is scheduled for total shutdown before the year 2000. The power station will be replaced by a thermal energy giant.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

sacking 499.sac.018 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire


The Habiru sacked some supply cities to gather weapons, food, silver and gold for their escape. The materials weren’t given: they were taken at the point of a sword.

Remember, the Habiru were known for their military skills.


To avenge the sacking of his cities, the Pharaoh sent a portion of his army to punish the Habiru.

The Habiru moved south


into the area that Moses had spent “40” years in exile for having killed an Egyptian. Moses knew the terrain well as well as the flood tides.

Friday, May 14, 2010

artist Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Growing up as a young girl in southern California, Laurel was the child on the block who brought everyone together through the world of imagination. Frequently hospitalized because of a rare bone disease, osteopetrosis, young Laurel would make things happen while recovering in the hospital-creating stories and making small gifts to cheer up the other patients. At the age of seven she was already spiritually precocious, using her physical obstacles as stepping stones to her inner strengths.
As a young woman, Laurel saw intrinsic beauty in the streets. She collected stones, bones, beads, and coins, joined them together, then polished them and wore her creations. When passersby admired a piece of her jewelry, she responded by giving it to them. People identified with and valued the kind of global spirit her work expressed, and soon she was able to sell the pieces she created.
This self-taught artist has since expanded her design to coffee mugs, clothing, tote bags, prints, fabric, buttons and note cards through The Laurel Burch Design Studio. Laurel considers herself to be more of a folk artist than a designer, creating symbols and myths that communicate universally. She paints images that represent her own values, yet at the same time provide a bridge between cultures, and honor the common ground.
The whole purpose of my art is to express beauty and meaning, and most of all connect people to one another in special ways.
Laurel furthers this commitment through her involvement within the community. She contributes her talents to causes supporting children, the disabled, animal welfare, disease prevention, and global conservation.
The strong, uplifting spirit of Laurel Burch is evident in her art and in her life. “I have had to overcome such an enormous number of obstacles that I have developed a belief system which allows me to feel like I can accomplish almost anything. Of course, I can’t, but sometimes the courage to say ‘I can' is all it takes.”

Monday, May 10, 2010

supplies 443.sup.003 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

We were very much depon supplies from the United States, and, for some reason, because of political problems, the Americans were not glad to send them on an air convoy. We were very disappointed and angry that supplies were arriving very slowly and only on our El Al aircraft. And the air convoy was delayed and delayed, and only towards the end of the battles was it organized and weapons were sent over. We knew this in the battlefield and we were very angry about these delays, especially since we knew that at the same time the Russians were constantly sending weapon systems and ammunition to the Syrians and Egyptians.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

project Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

At least, Murphy became an eyewitness to the area being sealed off. No one was allowed anywhere near the scene. In a very short period of time, the news of the crash had reached television and newspaper media. The area would soon fill up with people who wanted to get word of what exactly crashed in the Kecksburg woods, and why the military was keeping it to themselves.
Witnesses Describe UFO:
It soon became apparent that the State Police were not the first individuals to go into the woods, According to UFO researcher Stan Gordon, several inquisitive locals had been there before police or military had arrived. They described to Gordon a bronze-colored object, about 9-12 feet in length with a gold band surrounding its bottom part. It appeared "acorn" shaped.
An "Unsolved Mystery":
The U.S. Air Force, after finishing their investigation, issued their "official' version of what happened. They stated that a meteorite had been responsible for the fiery crash into the woods of Kecksburg. For the most part, this simple explanation seemed to satisfy the general public. Was this the end of the Kecksburg mystery? It might have been had it not been for the "Unsolved Mysteries" television show. The airing of the Kecksburg segment in the 1990s began an entirely new investigation into the matter.
What Happened to John Murphy?:
It seems that John Murphy, who was so eager to find the truth behind the Kecksburg crash, gave up his battle rather easily. Maybe not. After his death, his widow told a shocking story. She said that her husband was one of the first to the object, and had taken a photograph of the object. This photograph was confiscated by the military, and he was instructed to not reveal any details of what he had seen that day. Should he go against the warning, he would suffer "severe consequences."

Interestingly, Project Blue Book's report on the Kecksburg case does confirm that there was a photograph of the object in the woods, but they did not include it in their report, or discuss its source. There are still many unanswered questions to be answered about what crashed into the woods near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965.

Friday, April 16, 2010

bearing 110.bea.0003 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Gifts could be also very large antiquities: �A large stone [from Wadi Mukhateb in Sinai] bearing Nabatean inscriptions lies in the garden of my home at Zahala... It was brought to me some time after I left the Ministry of Defense [in 1974] by a young man who worked on road construction in Sinai... I thanked him warmly, and agreed to his request not to mention his name so as not to get him into trouble with his employer. He said that the contractor �doesn�t like us to meddle with such things. If we come across antiquities we are to bury or hide or destroy them, for otherwise government officials come out and stop all work� (Dayan 1978:88-89, with photo).� In the Hebrew version of this book the man says, �if we come across antiquities we are to destroy them immediately� (Dayan 1978:80).� Dayan (1978:89) ended this story with a moral conclusion: �both they [the inscriptions] and the stone are an integral part of Sinai�.� He somehow forgot that this integral part of Sinai lies now in his Zahala garden in Tel Aviv.� This is an example of his double standards: instead of notifying the IDAM, so that a salvage excavation can be arranged (perhaps there were more antiquities in the vicinity?), Dayan received �a gift�, torn away from its integral place, and as a consequence lacking any archaeological context.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

believe 449.bel.0 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Most researchers now believe that the results of the Viking biology experiments can explained by purely chemical processes that do not require the presence of life, and the GCMS results completely rule out life in any event. Thus, there is no detectable life at the two Viking landing sites, which were widely separated and different in character (the Viking 2 landing site was specifically chosen because of its high latitude, since it was closer to polar water sources.) While the possibility of "oases" of more favorable conditions for life cannot be eliminated, for example in subsurface permafrost layers or in geothermal vents near volcanoes, the chances that life exists on Mars at the present time do not seem good.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

talking 330.tal.002 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

After having decided to look at your recollections, one of the first issues to arise is the problem of possible contamination. You memories should be you own, untainted as far as possible, by books you have read, media you have seen, or conversations you have had. Therefore, once you have decided to explore your situation, you should avoid reading UFO books or talking with abductees about their UFO experiences. It is important to your own sense of the real and the imaginary that you are able, ten years from now, to know that a particular set of details emerged from your own experience and was not something you picked up in a conversation or letter from someone else.

Friday, March 12, 2010

damage 33.dam.002 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Part 12: Telepathy and Alien Emotional Life

In a society based on telepathy and restricted emotional range, it might be difficult to experience what we would call "love." Without a sense of self-love that comes from a sense of individuality, the aliens might have a diminished capacity to have these feelings. They certainly have the ability to elicit feelings of love and affection in abductees through neural stimulation, and abductees often make the mistake of assuming that those feelings are reciprocal. Although a taller alien being might show a sense of friendship or even intimate that he "likes" someone, there is little evidence that he has any capacity to love in the human sense.

The aliens' inability to love also suggests that their sense of morality and conscience might be very different. This allows for their apparent lack of moral qualms when they abduct people and sometimes inflict serious physical and hidden mental damage on them. They might think they are doing it for good purposes but they have their concepts of what is good without regard to humans’. For them, the ends justify the means and the conscience does not seem to play an important role in their abduction program.

Rationality and logic are far more important in their society than emotion, empathy, and sympathy. Thus, the human “connection” that one expects in all human societies would be absent in alien society. When this connection is lost and the dominant group identifies the “other” as the enemy or the “lesser species,” it becomes easier for that group to subjugate or even eliminate the subordinate group. The history of genocide in the world amply displays the consequences of the objectification and demonization of the “other.” The aliens' activity in relation to the abduction and exploitation of humans could very well be an indication of this mode of thinking.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

display 410.dis.003 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

The skinless and headless body of a person now known to me as Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire was in a supine position with his legs protruding into the entry foyer, from knees down. There was a substantial amount of blood smeared over the carpet around the body. As mentioned earlier there was also an extreme amount of blood pooling on the floor of the entry foyer. In this blood pool and staining were marks where the body of the deceased had been dragged about one metre from about the middle of the entry foyer onto the carpet in the lounge room. The deceased was laying on his back with his legs crossed at the feet, the left ankle was on top of the right. His left arm was extended and out from the body at an angle of about 45 degrees. Under the left wrist of this arm was an empty plastic 1.25 litre Shelleys Club Lemon Squash bottle. The right arm was also extended and lying alongside the body. On the floor, adjacent to the right arm of the deceased was a blood stained 31 cm yellow plastic handled knife. The blade of this knife was 17.5cm long. The body was virtually devoid of skin and flesh, exposing the muscles and some organs. There were a number of wounds present on the body, one of the most obvious being a stab wound to the left side of the chest which extended into the chest cavity.

As stated the body had been skinned in a manner that leads me to believe that the person responsible would have had skill in this area. From the blood staining on the carpet I was able to determine that the deceased had been skinned prior to being decapitated. there was a definite outline of the head in the blood staining on the carpet. Examination of the neck region of the deceased indicated that the head had been removed very carefully and cleanly with a sharp instrument.

On the seat of the single lounge chair in the north east corner of the room (adjacent to the shoulders of the deceased) was a black handled honing steel (sharpening stone) and an opened packet of Winfield Blue cigarettes. I also noticed bloodied hand prints on the back and arms of this chair. On the northern wall on the western side of the door to the kitchen was a small display cabinet. Lying on this cabinet was a broken picture frame containing a picture of the deceased. Lying on top of the picture frame was a blood stained watch. To the west of the photograph, still on top of the cabinet, was a blood stained hand written note together with another broken picture on top of it. Apart from being blood stained it had small pieces of flesh on it.

The note was poorly written and contained very basic spelling mistakes. It read:-

"Time got you back Johathon for rapping (raping) my douter (daughter). You to Beck for Ross — for Little John.'

'Now play with little Johns Dick John Price.' (These allegations were baseless.) "

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

lawmen Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

The discoveries at Matamoros were tailor-made for tabloid television circa 1989. Geraldo Rivera aired a special prime-time segment on the case, while TV journalists flew in from the United States, Europe, and even Japan. Constanzo was "sighted" as far north as Chicago, where rumors placed him in league with the Windy City Mafia. Sara Aldrete was "seen" lurking around schools throughout the Rio Grande Valley, word-of-mouth reports claiming she had threatened to kidnap and murder 10 Anglo children for each of her disciples jailed in Mexico. An alternative church at Pharr, Texas, was burned by nightriders after tales spread that its congregants were witches in thrall to Constanzo.

Still lawmen scoured the border in vain for El Padrino and his entourage, barely mollified by the April 17 arrest of gang patriarch Serafin Hernandez Rivera in Houston. Searching the house where he had been hiding, they seized weapons and cash, but found no occult paraphernalia. Constanzo and his closest aides, meanwhile, had simply disappeared.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

stuffed 7.stu.3 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Hadden raced downstairs to the kitchen and got some plastic trash bags. He ran out to his truck and got some rags and an old Navy duffel bag. He was back upstairs in seconds. Hadden stuffed Michele into a plastic bag and then inside the duffel bag. He fell to his knees, mopping up the blood as if he was swabbing the deck on one of the aircraft carriers he had served on. Everything that had blood on it was stuffed into the trash sacks.

His cleanup looked pretty good to his eyes. Nothing seemed out of place. Nobody would know what had just happened. Hadden threw the body and the bags into the back of his truck. He had to be at his chef's job at the nearby Chevy Chase country club in 20 minutes. Being late would be noticed.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

etched 33.etc.002 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

uch has been made of the way young Harold Shipman dealt with his mother's final months — justifiably so. Because his behavior then closely paralleled that of Shipman the serial killer. Every day after classes, he would hurry home, make Vera a cup of tea and chat with her — probably about his day at school. She counted the minutes as she waited, and found great solace in his company.

For his part, this is likely where Shipman learned the endearing bedside manner he would adopt later in his practice as a family physician. Toward the end, Vera experienced severe pain. But, because pumps to self-administer painkillers did not exist at that time, Vera's sole relief from the agony of cancer came with the family physician.

No doubt young Harold watched in fascination as his mother's distress miraculously subsided whenever the family doctor injected her with morphine. As the disease progressed, the already trim Ms. Shipman grew thinner and frailer until, on June 21st 1963, the cancer claimed her life.

Vera's death left her son with a tremendous sense of loss. After all, his mother was the one who made him feel special, above the rest. Significantly, her passing left him with an indelible image — the patient with a cup of tea nearby, finding sweet relief in morphine.

Etched upon the 17-year-old's mind, it was a scene he would re-create hundreds of times in the future.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

concluded 55.con.0004 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

"The Ghostbusters" task force discovered some of the most promising evidence during their investigation. One of the most startling clues was the revelation of one similarity, all of the murders occurred within 3 1/2 miles of one another. This led investigators to believe that the BTK strangler only felt comfortable killing in areas that were familiar to him.

During the fall of 1984, one of the task force investigators took the February 10, 1978 BTK letter to Xerox headquarters in Syracuse, New York. There a lab technician concluded that the letter was a fifth-generation copy of the original, which would make it virtually impossible to trace. In addition, the technician went on to state that the machine used to generate the copy was located at the Wichita State University library.